Returns a newly created gtk.gesture.Gesture that recognizes single and multiple presses.
Connect to Pressed signal.
Connect to Released signal.
Connect to Stopped signal.
Connect to UnpairedRelease signal.
Returns the button number gesture listens for.
Returns the button number currently interacting with gesture, or 0 if there is none.
Returns the event sequence currently interacting with gesture.
Gets whether a gesture is exclusive.
Returns true if the gesture is only triggered by touch events.
Sets the button number gesture listens to.
Sets whether gesture is exclusive.
Sets whether to handle only touch events.
gtk.gesture_click.GestureClick is a gtk.gesture.Gesture implementation for clicks.
It is able to recognize multiple clicks on a nearby zone, which can be listened for through the gtk.gesture_click.GestureClick.pressed signal. Whenever time or distance between clicks exceed the GTK defaults, gtk.gesture_click.GestureClick.stopped is emitted, and the click counter is reset.