Add the attribute with key and value to msg.
Add the specified bandwidth information to msg.
Add email to the list of emails in msg.
Adds media to the array of medias in msg. This function takes ownership of the contents of media so that media will have to be reinitialized with gstsdp.sdpmedia.SDPMedia.init_ before it can be used again.
Add phone to the list of phones in msg.
Add time information start and stop to msg.
Add time zone information to msg.
Convert the contents of msg to a text string.
Get the number of attributes in msg.
Mapping of attributes of #GstSDPMessage to #GstCaps
Get the number of bandwidth information in msg.
Allocate a new copy of msg and store the result in copy. The value in copy should be release with gst_sdp_message_free function.
Dump the parsed contents of msg to stdout.
Get the number of emails in msg.
Get the attribute at position idx in msg.
Get the first attribute with key key in msg.
Get the nth attribute with key key in msg.
Get the bandwidth at index idx from msg.
Get the connection of msg.
Get the email with number idx from msg.
Get the information in msg.
Get the encryption information from msg.
Get the media description at index idx in msg.
Get the origin of msg.
Get the phone with number idx from msg.
Get the session name in msg.
Get time information with index idx from msg.
Get the URI in msg.
Get the version in msg.
Get time zone information with index idx from msg.
Insert attribute into the array of attributes in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the attribute is inserted at the end.
Insert bandwidth parameters into the array of bandwidths in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the bandwidth is inserted at the end.
Insert email into the array of emails in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the email is inserted at the end.
Insert phone into the array of phone numbers in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the phone is inserted at the end.
Insert time parameters into the array of times in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the times are inserted at the end.
Insert zone parameters into the array of zones in msg at index idx. When -1 is given as idx, the zone is inserted at the end.
Get the number of media descriptions in msg.
Creates a new #GstMIKEYMessage after parsing the key-mgmt attribute from a #GstSDPMessage.
Get the number of phones in msg.
Remove the attribute in msg at index idx.
Remove the bandwidth information in msg at index idx.
Remove the email in msg at index idx.
Remove the media at idx from the array of medias in msg if found.
Remove the phone number in msg at index idx.
Remove the time information in msg at index idx.
Remove the zone information in msg at index idx.
Replace the attribute in msg at index idx with attr.
Replace the bandwidth information in msg at index idx with bw.
Replace the email in msg at index idx with email.
Replace the phone number in msg at index idx with phone.
Replace the time information in msg at index idx with t.
Replace the zone information in msg at index idx with zone.
Configure the SDP connection in msg with the given parameters.
Set the information in msg.
Adds the encryption information to msg.
Configure the SDP origin in msg with the given parameters.
Set the session name in msg.
Set the URI in msg.
Set the version in msg.
Get the number of time information entries in msg.
Free all resources allocated in msg. msg should not be used anymore after this function. This function should be used when msg was allocated on the stack and initialized with gstsdp.sdpmessage.SDPMessage.init_.
Get the number of time zone information entries in msg.
Creates a uri from msg with the given scheme. The uri has the format:
Initialize msg so that its contents are as if it was freshly allocated with gstsdp.sdpmessage.SDPMessage.new_. This function is mostly used to initialize a message allocated on the stack. gstsdp.sdpmessage.SDPMessage.uninit undoes this operation.
Parse text and create a new SDPMessage from these.
Allocate a new GstSDPMessage and store the result in msg.
Parse the contents of size bytes pointed to by data and store the result in msg.
Parse the null-terminated uri and store the result in msg.
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
The GstSDPMessage helper functions makes it easy to parse and create SDP messages.