Authentication methods, ordered by strength
The possible events for the connection.
The possible network families.
Enumeration of rtsp header fields
The different transport methods.
The different supported RTSP methods.
The type of a message.
The transfer profile to use.
Different possible time range units.
Result codes from the RTSP functions.
The different RTSP states.
Enumeration of rtsp status codes
Possible time types.
The transfer mode to use.
The supported RTSP versions.
RTSP Authentication credentials
RTSP Authentication parameter
This object manages the RTSP connection to the server. It provides function to receive and send bytes and messages.
This interface is implemented e.g. by the Windows Media Streaming RTSP exentension (rtspwms) and the RealMedia RTSP extension (rtspreal).
An interface representing RTSP extensions.
Provides methods for creating and parsing request, response and data messages.
Provides helper functions to deal with time ranges.
A time indication.
Extra fields for a time indication.
A time range.
Provides helper functions to deal with RTSP transport strings.
Provides helper functions to handle RTSP urls.
Opaque RTSP watch object that can be used for asynchronous RTSP operations.
Callback functions from a #GstRTSPWatch.