Value | Meaning |
Ok0 | no error |
OkRedirect1 | RTSP request is successful, but was redirected. |
Error-1 | some unspecified error occurred |
Einval-2 | invalid arguments were provided to a function |
Eintr-3 | an operation was canceled |
Enomem-4 | no memory was available for the operation |
Eresolv-5 | a host resolve error occurred |
Enotimpl-6 | function not implemented |
Esys-7 | a system error occurred, errno contains more details |
Eparse-8 | a parsing error occurred |
Ewsastart-9 | windows networking could not start |
Ewsaversion-10 | windows networking stack has wrong version |
Eeof-11 | end-of-file was reached |
Enet-12 | a network problem occurred, h_errno contains more details |
Enotip-13 | the host is not an IP host |
Etimeout-14 | a timeout occurred |
Etget-15 | the tunnel GET request has been performed |
Etpost-16 | the tunnel POST request has been performed |
Elast-17 | last error |
Result codes from the RTSP functions.