Call this function in a subclass from #GstRTPHeaderExtensionClass::read to
tell the depayloader whether the data just parsed from RTP packet require
updating its src (non-RTP) caps. If state is TRUE, #GstRTPBaseDepayload will
eventually invoke gstrtp.rtpheader_extension.RTPHeaderExtension.updateNonRtpSrcCaps to
have the caps update applied. Applying the update also flips the internal
"wants update" flag back to FALSE.
Call this function in a subclass from #GstRTPHeaderExtensionClass::read to tell the depayloader whether the data just parsed from RTP packet require updating its src (non-RTP) caps. If state is TRUE, #GstRTPBaseDepayload will eventually invoke gstrtp.rtpheader_extension.RTPHeaderExtension.updateNonRtpSrcCaps to have the caps update applied. Applying the update also flips the internal "wants update" flag back to FALSE.