Create a new #GstGLDisplayEGLDevice with an EGLDevice supported device
Creates a new #GstGLDisplayEGLDevice with EGLDeviceEXT . The device must be created using EGLDevice enumeration.
Will always return a #GstGLDisplay of a single type. This differs from gstgl.gldisplay.GLDisplay.new_ and the seemingly equivalent call gst_gl_display_new_with_type (GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_ANY) in that the latter may return NULL.
It requires the display's object lock to be held.
Ensures that the display has a valid GL context for the current thread. If context already contains a valid context, this does nothing.
limit the use of OpenGL to the requested gl_api. This is intended to allow application and elements to request a specific set of OpenGL API's based on what they support. See gstgl.glcontext.GLContext.getGlApi for the retrieving the API supported by a #GstGLContext.
Execute compare_func over the list of windows stored by display. The first argument to compare_func is the #GstGLWindow being checked and the second argument is data.
see gstgl.gldisplay.GLDisplay.filterGlApi for what the returned value represents
Must be called with the object lock held.
Execute compare_func over the list of windows stored by display. The first argument to compare_func is the #GstGLWindow being checked and the second argument is data.
Connect to CreateContext signal.
the contents of a #GstGLDisplayEGLDevice are private and should only be accessed through the provided API