Copy and set any dynamically allocated resources in dest_vid. Intended for subclass usage only to chain up at the end of a subclass copy function.
Unset and free any dynamically allocated resources. Intended for subclass usage only to chain up at the end of a subclass free function.
gl_handle is defined by the specific OpenGL handle being wrapped For #GstGLMemory and #GstGLMemoryPBO it is an OpenGL texture id. Other memory types may define it to require a different type of parameter.
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.