The various interpolation modes available.
The various waveform modes available.
A value mapping object that attaches multiple control sources to a guint gobject properties representing a color. A control value of 0.0 will turn the color component off and a value of 1.0 will be the color level.
The class structure of #GstARGBControlBinding.
An internal structure for value+time and various temporary values used for interpolation. This "inherits" from GstTimedValue.
A value mapping object that attaches control sources to gobject properties. It will map the control values directly to the target property range. If a non-absolute direct control binding is used, the value range [0.0 ... 1.0] is mapped to full target property range, and all values outside the range will be clipped. An absolute control binding will not do any value transformations.
The class structure of #GstDirectControlBinding.
#GstInterpolationControlSource is a #GstControlSource, that interpolates values between user-given control points. It supports several interpolation modes and property types.
#GstLFOControlSource is a #GstControlSource, that provides several periodic waveforms as control values.
A #GstControlBinding that forwards requests to another #GstControlBinding
Opaque #GstProxyControlBindingClass struct
Base class for #GstControlSource that use time-stamped values.
#GstTriggerControlSource is a #GstControlSource, that returns values from user-given control points. It allows for a tolerance on the time-stamps.