#GstInterpolationControlSource is a #GstControlSource, that interpolates values between user-given control points. It supports several interpolation modes and property types.
To use #GstInterpolationControlSource get a new instance by calling gstcontroller.interpolation_control_source.InterpolationControlSource.new_, bind it to a #GParamSpec and set some control points by calling gstcontroller.timed_value_control_source.TimedValueControlSource.set.
All functions are MT-safe.
#GstInterpolationControlSource is a #GstControlSource, that interpolates values between user-given control points. It supports several interpolation modes and property types.
To use #GstInterpolationControlSource get a new instance by calling gstcontroller.interpolation_control_source.InterpolationControlSource.new_, bind it to a #GParamSpec and set some control points by calling gstcontroller.timed_value_control_source.TimedValueControlSource.set.
All functions are MT-safe.