
Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.

This function is the language bindings friendly version of gobject.object.ObjectG.bindPropertyFull, using #GClosures instead of function pointers.


sourceProperty string

the property on source to bind

target gobject.object.ObjectG

the target #GObject

targetProperty string

the property on target to bind

flags gobject.types.BindingFlags

flags to pass to #GBinding

transformTo gobject.closure.Closure

a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the source to the target, or null to use the default

transformFrom gobject.closure.Closure

a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the target to the source, or null to use the default

Return Value

Type: gobject.binding.Binding

the #GBinding instance representing the binding between the two #GObject instances. The binding is released whenever the #GBinding reference count reaches zero.