An old name for, deprecated because its name is misleading.
Despite the name of the function, wait_status must be the wait status as returned by, gio.subprocess.Subprocess.getStatus, waitpid(), etc. On Unix platforms, it is incorrect for it to be the exit status as passed to exit() or returned by gio.subprocess.Subprocess.getExitStatus or WEXITSTATUS().
A status as returned from
true if child exited successfully, false otherwise (and error will be set)
Deprecated: Use instead, and check whether your code is conflating wait and exit statuses.
An old name for, deprecated because its name is misleading.
Despite the name of the function, wait_status must be the wait status as returned by, gio.subprocess.Subprocess.getStatus, waitpid(), etc. On Unix platforms, it is incorrect for it to be the exit status as passed to exit() or returned by gio.subprocess.Subprocess.getExitStatus or WEXITSTATUS().