
A convenience function for converting a string to a signed number.

This function assumes that str contains only a number of the given base that is within inclusive bounds limited by min and max. If this is true, then the converted number is stored in out_num. An empty string is not a valid input. A string with leading or trailing whitespace is also an invalid input.

base can be between 2 and 36 inclusive. Hexadecimal numbers must not be prefixed with "0x" or "0X". Such a problem does not exist for octal numbers, since they were usually prefixed with a zero which does not change the value of the parsed number.

Parsing failures result in an error with the G_NUMBER_PARSER_ERROR domain. If the input is invalid, the error code will be errorGLib.NumberParserError.INVALID. If the parsed number is out of bounds - errorGLib.NumberParserError.OUT_OF_BOUNDS.

See funcGLib.ascii_strtoll if you have more complex needs such as parsing a string which starts with a number, but then has other characters.

string str
uint base
long min
long max
out long outNum


str string

a string to convert

base uint

base of a parsed number

min long

a lower bound (inclusive)

max long

an upper bound (inclusive)

outNum long

a return location for a number

Return Value

Type: bool

true if str was a number, false otherwise