
Look up a certificate by its handle.

The handle should have been created by calling gio.tls_database.TlsDatabase.createCertificateHandle on a #GTlsDatabase object of the same TLS backend. The handle is designed to remain valid across instantiations of the database.

If the handle is no longer valid, or does not point to a certificate in this database, then null will be returned.

This function can block, use gio.tls_database.TlsDatabase.lookupCertificateForHandleAsync to perform the lookup operation asynchronously.


handle string

a certificate handle

interaction gio.tls_interaction.TlsInteraction

used to interact with the user if necessary

flags gio.types.TlsDatabaseLookupFlags

Flags which affect the lookup.

cancellable gio.cancellable.Cancellable

a #GCancellable, or null

Return Value

Type: gio.tls_certificate.TlsCertificate

a newly allocated #GTlsCertificate, or null. Use gobject.object.ObjectG.unref to release the certificate.