
gio.simple_permission.SimplePermission is a trivial implementation of gio.permission.Permission that represents a permission that is either always or never allowed. The value is given at construction and doesn’t change.

Calling gio.permission.Permission.acquire or gio.permission.Permission.release on a gio.simple_permission.SimplePermission will result in errors.

class SimplePermission : Permission {}


this(bool allowed)

Creates a new #GPermission instance that represents an action that is either always or never allowed.

Inherited Members

From Permission

bool acquire(gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Attempts to acquire the permission represented by permission.

void acquireAsync(gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Attempts to acquire the permission represented by permission.

bool acquireFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Collects the result of attempting to acquire the permission represented by permission.

bool getAllowed()

Gets the value of the 'allowed' property. This property is true if the caller currently has permission to perform the action that permission represents the permission to perform.

bool getCanAcquire()

Gets the value of the 'can-acquire' property. This property is true if it is generally possible to acquire the permission by calling gio.permission.Permission.acquire.

bool getCanRelease()

Gets the value of the 'can-release' property. This property is true if it is generally possible to release the permission by calling gio.permission.Permission.release.

void implUpdate(bool allowed, bool canAcquire, bool canRelease)

This function is called by the #GPermission implementation to update the properties of the permission. You should never call this function except from a #GPermission implementation.

bool release(gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable)

Attempts to release the permission represented by permission.

void releaseAsync(gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)

Attempts to release the permission represented by permission.

bool releaseFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)

Collects the result of attempting to release the permission represented by permission.