Gets the options that were passed to g_application_command_line().
If you did not override local_command_line() then these are the same
options that were parsed according to the #GOptionEntrys added to the
application with gio.application.Application.addMainOptionEntries and possibly
modified from your GApplication::handle-local-options handler.
If no options were sent then an empty dictionary is returned so that
you don't need to check for null.
The data has been passed via an untrusted external process, so the types of
all values must be checked before being used.
Gets the options that were passed to g_application_command_line().
If you did not override local_command_line() then these are the same options that were parsed according to the #GOptionEntrys added to the application with gio.application.Application.addMainOptionEntries and possibly modified from your GApplication::handle-local-options handler.
If no options were sent then an empty dictionary is returned so that you don't need to check for null.
The data has been passed via an untrusted external process, so the types of all values must be checked before being used.