
Returns the possible actions for this gdk.drop.Drop.

If this value contains multiple actions - i.e. funcGdk.DragAction.is_unique returns false for the result - gdk.drop.Drop.finish must choose the action to use when accepting the drop. This will only happen if you passed gdk.types.DragAction.Ask as one of the possible actions in gdk.drop.Drop.status. gdk.types.DragAction.Ask itself will not be included in the actions returned by this function.

This value may change over the lifetime of the gdk.drop.Drop both as a response to source side actions as well as to calls to gdk.drop.Drop.status or gdk.drop.Drop.finish. The source side will not change this value anymore once a drop has started.

class Drop

Return Value

Type: gdk.types.DragAction

The possible GdkDragActions