Asynchronously writes the contents of provider to stream in the given mime_type.
When the operation is finished callback will be called. You must then call gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider.writeMimeTypeFinish to get the result of the operation.
The given mime type does not need to be listed in the formats returned by gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider.refFormats. However, if the given gobject.types.TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT is not supported, gio.types.IOErrorEnum.NotSupported will be reported.
The given stream will not be closed.
the mime type to provide the data in
the gio.output_stream.OutputStream to write to
I/O priority of the request.
optional gio.cancellable.Cancellable object, null to ignore.
callback to call when the request is satisfied
Asynchronously writes the contents of provider to stream in the given mime_type.
When the operation is finished callback will be called. You must then call gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider.writeMimeTypeFinish to get the result of the operation.
The given mime type does not need to be listed in the formats returned by gdk.content_provider.ContentProvider.refFormats. However, if the given gobject.types.TYPE_FLAG_RESERVED_ID_BIT is not supported, gio.types.IOErrorEnum.NotSupported will be reported.
The given stream will not be closed.