Get a textual description of this image.
Retrieves the locale identifier associated to the #AtkImage.
Gets the position of the image in the form of a point specifying the images top-left corner.
Get the width and height in pixels for the specified image. The values of width and height are returned as -1 if the values cannot be obtained (for instance, if the object is not onscreen).
Sets the textual description for this image.
Get a textual description of this image.
Retrieves the locale identifier associated to the #AtkImage.
Gets the position of the image in the form of a point specifying the images top-left corner.
Get the width and height in pixels for the specified image. The values of width and height are returned as -1 if the values cannot be obtained (for instance, if the object is not onscreen).
Sets the textual description for this image.
Proxy object for Atk.Image interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding