
The ATK Interface implemented by components which expose image or pixmap content on-screen.

#AtkImage should be implemented by #AtkObject subtypes on behalf of components which display image/pixmap information onscreen, and which provide information (other than just widget borders, etc.) via that image content. For instance, icons, buttons with icons, toolbar elements, and image viewing panes typically should implement #AtkImage.

#AtkImage primarily provides two types of information: coordinate information (useful for screen review mode of screenreaders, and for use by onscreen magnifiers), and descriptive information. The descriptive information is provided for alternative, text-only presentation of the most significant information present in the image.



string getImageDescription()

Get a textual description of this image.

string getImageLocale()

Retrieves the locale identifier associated to the #AtkImage.

void getImagePosition(int x, int y, atk.types.CoordType coordType)

Gets the position of the image in the form of a point specifying the images top-left corner.

void getImageSize(int width, int height)

Get the width and height in pixels for the specified image. The values of width and height are returned as -1 if the values cannot be obtained (for instance, if the object is not onscreen).

bool setImageDescription(string description)

Sets the textual description for this image.