
Compiles pattern into a regex for use as a match regex with vte.terminal.Terminal.matchAddRegex or vte.terminal.Terminal.eventCheckRegexSimple.

See man:pcre2pattern(3) for information about the supported regex language, and man:pcre2api(3) for information about the supported flags.

The regex will be compiled using <literal>PCRE2_UTF</literal> and possibly other flags, in addition to the flags supplied in flags.

class Regex
string pattern
ptrdiff_t patternLength
uint flags


pattern string

a regex pattern string

patternLength ptrdiff_t

the length of pattern in bytes, or -1 if the string is NUL-terminated and the length is unknown

flags uint

PCRE2 compile flags

Return Value

Type: vte.regex.Regex

a newly created #VteRegex, or null with error filled in