Creates a new empty #SoupMultipart with a randomly-generated boundary string.
Adds a new MIME part containing body to multipart
Adds a new MIME part containing data to multipart.
Adds a new MIME part to multipart with the given headers and body.
Gets the number of body parts in multipart.
Gets the indicated body part from multipart.
Serializes multipart to dest_headers and dest_body.
Parses headers and body to form a new #SoupMultipart
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
Represents a multipart HTTP message body, parsed according to the syntax of RFC 2046.
Of particular interest to HTTP are multipart/byte-ranges and multipart/form-data,
Although the headers of a #SoupMultipart body part will contain the full headers from that body part, libsoup does not interpret them according to MIME rules. For example, each body part is assumed to have "binary" Content-Transfer-Encoding, even if its headers explicitly state otherwise. In other words, don't try to use #SoupMultipart for handling real MIME multiparts.