
Looks up the "Content-Disposition" header in hdrs, parses it, and returns its value in *disposition and *params.

params can be null if you are only interested in the disposition-type.

In HTTP, the most common use of this header is to set a disposition-type of "attachment", to suggest to the browser that a response should be saved to disk rather than displayed in the browser. If params contains a "filename" parameter, this is a suggestion of a filename to use. (If the parameter value in the header contains an absolute or relative path, libsoup will truncate it down to just the final path component, so you do not need to test this yourself.)

Content-Disposition is also used in "multipart/form-data", however this is handled automatically by structMultipart and the associated form methods.

class MessageHeaders
out string disposition
out string[string] params


disposition string

return location for the disposition-type, or null

params string[string]

return location for the Content-Disposition parameters, or null

Return Value

Type: bool

true if hdrs contains a "Content-Disposition" header, false if not (in which case *disposition and *params will be unchanged).