Like funcCHECK_VERSION, but the check for soup_check_version is at runtime instead of compile time.
Parses msg's Cookie request header and returns a glib.slist.SList of soup.cookie.Cookies.
Parses msg's Set-Cookie response headers and returns a glib.slist.SList of soup.cookie.Cookies.
Serializes a glib.slist.SList of #SoupCookie into a string suitable for setting as the value of the "Cookie" header.
Adds the name and value of each cookie in cookies to msg's "Cookie" request.
Appends a "Set-Cookie" response header to msg for each cookie in cookies.
Parses date_string and tries to extract a date from it.
Converts date to a string in the format described by format.
Decodes form.
Decodes the "multipart/form-data" request in multipart.
Encodes form_data_set into a value of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
Returns the major version number of the libsoup library.
Returns the micro version number of the libsoup library.
Returns the minor version number of the libsoup library.
Parses header to see if it contains the token token (matched case-insensitively).
Frees param_list.
Appends something like name=value to string, taking care to quote value if needed, and if so, to escape any quotes or backslashes in value.
Appends something like name="value" to string, taking care to escape any quotes or backslashes in value.
Parses a header whose content is described by RFC2616 as #something.
Parses a header which is a comma-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].
A strict version of funcheader_parse_param_list that bails out if there are duplicate parameters.
Parses a header whose content is a list of items with optional "qvalue"s (eg, Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, TE).
Parses a header which is a semicolon-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].
A strict version of funcheader_parse_semi_param_list that bails out if there are duplicate parameters.
Parses the headers of an HTTP request or response in str and stores the results in dest.
Parses the headers of an HTTP request in str and stores the results in req_method, req_path, ver, and req_headers.
Parses the headers of an HTTP response in str and stores the results in ver, status_code, reason_phrase, and headers.
Parses the HTTP Status-Line string in status_line into ver, status_code, and reason_phrase.
Looks whether the domain passed as argument is a public domain suffix (.org, .com,, etc) or not.
Finds the base domain for a given hostname
Decodes the given data URI and returns its contents and content_type.
Tests whether or not uri1 and uri2 are equal in all parts.