Value | Meaning |
Normal1000 | a normal, non-error close |
GoingAway1001 | the client/server is going away |
ProtocolError1002 | a protocol error occurred |
UnsupportedData1003 | the endpoint received data of a type that it does not support. |
NoStatus1005 | reserved value indicating that no close code was present; must not be sent. |
Abnormal1006 | reserved value indicating that the connection was closed abnormally; must not be sent. |
BadData1007 | the endpoint received data that was invalid (eg, non-UTF-8 data in a text message). |
PolicyViolation1008 | generic error code indicating some sort of policy violation. |
TooBig1009 | the endpoint received a message that is too big to process. |
NoExtension1010 | the client is closing the connection because the server failed to negotiate a required extension. |
ServerError1011 | the server is closing the connection because it was unable to fulfill the request. |
TlsHandshake1015 | reserved value indicating that the TLS handshake failed; must not be sent. |
Pre-defined close codes that can be passed to soup.websocket_connection.WebsocketConnection.close or received from soup.websocket_connection.WebsocketConnection.getCloseCode.
However, other codes are also allowed.