Flags which determine which parts of the #SecretBackend are initialized.
Flags for secret.collection.Collection.create.
Flags which determine which parts of the #SecretCollection proxy are initialized.
Errors returned by the Secret Service.
Flags for secret.item.Item.create.
Flags which determine which parts of the #SecretItem proxy are initialized.
The type of an attribute in a struct@SecretSchema.
Flags for a #SecretSchema definition.
Different types of schemas for storing secrets, intended for use with func@get_schema.
Various flags to be used with secret.service.Service.search and secret.service.Service.searchSync.
Flags which determine which parts of the #SecretService proxy are initialized during a secret.service.Service.get or secret.service.Service.open operation.
#SecretBackend represents a backend implementation of password storage.
The interface for #SecretBackend.
A proxy object representing a collection of secrets in the Secret Service.
The class for #SecretCollection.
A secret item
The class for #SecretItem.
A prompt in the Service
The class for #SecretPrompt.
A read-only view of a secret item in the Secret Service.
The interface for #SecretRetrievable.
Represents a set of attributes that are stored with an item.
An attribute in a #SecretSchema.
A proxy object representing the Secret Service.
The class for #SecretService.
A value containing a secret