This function does nothing.
This function does nothing.
Loads a new gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf from filename and returns it. The caller must assume the reference to the reurned pixbuf. If an error occurred, error is set and NULL is returned.
Loads a new gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf from filename and returns it. This pixbuf is uniformly scaled so that the it fits into a rectangle of size max_width * max_height. The caller must assume the reference to the returned pixbuf. If an error occurred, error is set and NULL is returned.
Loads a new gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf from filename and returns it. This pixbuf is scaled from the size indicated to the new size indicated by width and height. If both of these are -1, then the default size of the image being loaded is used. The caller must assume the reference to the returned pixbuf. If an error occurred, error is set and NULL is returned.
Loads a new gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf from filename and returns it. This pixbuf is scaled from the size indicated by the file by a factor of x_zoom and y_zoom. The caller must assume the reference to the returned pixbuf. If an error occurred, error is set and NULL is returned.
Loads a new gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf from filename and returns it. This pixbuf is scaled from the size indicated by the file by a factor of x_zoom and y_zoom. If the resulting pixbuf would be larger than max_width/max_heigh it is uniformly scaled down to fit in that rectangle. The caller must assume the reference to the returned pixbuf. If an error occurred, error is set and NULL is returned.
Do not use this function. Create an rsvg.handle.Handle and call rsvg.handle.Handle.setDpi on it instead.
Do not use this function. Create an rsvg.handle.Handle and call rsvg.handle.Handle.setDpiXY on it instead.
This function does nothing.