- attrAllowBreaksNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrAllowBreaksNew(bool allowBreaks)
Create a new allow-breaks attribute.
- attrBackgroundAlphaNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrBackgroundAlphaNew(ushort alpha)
Create a new background alpha attribute.
- attrBackgroundNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrBackgroundNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
Create a new background color attribute.
- attrBaselineShiftNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrBaselineShiftNew(int shift)
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
- attrBreak
void attrBreak(string text, pango.attr_list.AttrList attrList, int offset, pango.types.LogAttr[] attrs)
Apply customization from attributes to the breaks in attrs.
- attrFallbackNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrFallbackNew(bool enableFallback)
Create a new font fallback attribute.
- attrFamilyNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrFamilyNew(string family)
Create a new font family attribute.
- attrFontScaleNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrFontScaleNew(pango.types.FontScale scale)
Create a new font scale attribute.
- attrForegroundAlphaNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrForegroundAlphaNew(ushort alpha)
Create a new foreground alpha attribute.
- attrForegroundNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrForegroundNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
Create a new foreground color attribute.
- attrGravityHintNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrGravityHintNew(pango.types.GravityHint hint)
Create a new gravity hint attribute.
- attrGravityNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrGravityNew(pango.types.Gravity gravity)
Create a new gravity attribute.
- attrInsertHyphensNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrInsertHyphensNew(bool insertHyphens)
Create a new insert-hyphens attribute.
- attrLetterSpacingNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrLetterSpacingNew(int letterSpacing)
Create a new letter-spacing attribute.
- attrLineHeightNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrLineHeightNew(double factor)
Modify the height of logical line extents by a factor.
- attrLineHeightNewAbsolute
pango.attribute.Attribute attrLineHeightNewAbsolute(int height)
Override the height of logical line extents to be height.
- attrOverlineColorNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrOverlineColorNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
Create a new overline color attribute.
- attrOverlineNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrOverlineNew(pango.types.Overline overline)
Create a new overline-style attribute.
- attrRiseNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrRiseNew(int rise)
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
- attrScaleNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrScaleNew(double scaleFactor)
Create a new font size scale attribute.
- attrSentenceNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrSentenceNew()
Marks the range of the attribute as a single sentence.
- attrShowNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrShowNew(pango.types.ShowFlags flags)
Create a new attribute that influences how invisible
characters are rendered.
- attrStretchNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrStretchNew(pango.types.Stretch stretch)
Create a new font stretch attribute.
- attrStrikethroughColorNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrStrikethroughColorNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
Create a new strikethrough color attribute.
- attrStrikethroughNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrStrikethroughNew(bool strikethrough)
Create a new strike-through attribute.
- attrStyleNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrStyleNew(pango.types.Style style)
Create a new font slant style attribute.
- attrTextTransformNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrTextTransformNew(pango.types.TextTransform transform)
Create a new attribute that influences how characters
are transformed during shaping.
- attrUnderlineColorNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrUnderlineColorNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
Create a new underline color attribute.
- attrUnderlineNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrUnderlineNew(pango.types.Underline underline)
Create a new underline-style attribute.
- attrVariantNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrVariantNew(pango.types.Variant variant)
Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps).
- attrWeightNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrWeightNew(pango.types.Weight weight)
Create a new font weight attribute.
- attrWordNew
pango.attribute.Attribute attrWordNew()
Marks the range of the attribute as a single word.
- break_
void break_(string text, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, pango.types.LogAttr[] attrs)
Determines possible line, word, and character breaks
for a string of Unicode text with a single analysis.
- defaultBreak
void defaultBreak(string text, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, pango.types.LogAttr attrs, int attrsLen)
This is the default break algorithm.
- extentsToPixels
void extentsToPixels(pango.types.Rectangle inclusive, pango.types.Rectangle nearest)
Converts extents from Pango units to device units.
- findBaseDir
pango.types.Direction findBaseDir(string text)
Searches a string the first character that has a strong
direction, according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
- findParagraphBoundary
void findParagraphBoundary(string text, int paragraphDelimiterIndex, int nextParagraphStart)
Locates a paragraph boundary in text.
- getLogAttrs
void getLogAttrs(string text, int level, pango.language.Language language, pango.types.LogAttr[] attrs)
- isZeroWidth
bool isZeroWidth(dchar ch)
Checks if a character that should not be normally rendered.
- itemize
pango.item.Item[] itemize(pango.context.Context context, string text, int startIndex, int length, pango.attr_list.AttrList attrs, pango.attr_iterator.AttrIterator cachedIter)
Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent directional
level and font.
- itemizeWithBaseDir
pango.item.Item[] itemizeWithBaseDir(pango.context.Context context, pango.types.Direction baseDir, string text, int startIndex, int length, pango.attr_list.AttrList attrs, pango.attr_iterator.AttrIterator cachedIter)
Like [pango.global.itemize], but with an explicitly specified base direction.
- markupParserFinish
bool markupParserFinish(glib.markup_parse_context.MarkupParseContext context, pango.attr_list.AttrList attrList, string text, dchar accelChar)
- markupParserNew
glib.markup_parse_context.MarkupParseContext markupParserNew(dchar accelMarker)
Incrementally parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string
and an attribute list.
- parseEnum
bool parseEnum(gobject.types.GType type, string str, int value, bool warn, string possibleValues)
Parses an enum type and stores the result in value.
- parseMarkup
bool parseMarkup(string markupText, dchar accelMarker, pango.attr_list.AttrList attrList, string text, dchar accelChar)
Parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and an attribute list.
- parseStretch
bool parseStretch(string str, pango.types.Stretch stretch, bool warn)
- parseStyle
bool parseStyle(string str, pango.types.Style style, bool warn)
- parseVariant
bool parseVariant(string str, pango.types.Variant variant, bool warn)
- parseWeight
bool parseWeight(string str, pango.types.Weight weight, bool warn)
- quantizeLineGeometry
void quantizeLineGeometry(int thickness, int position)
Quantizes the thickness and position of a line to whole device pixels.
- readLine
int readLine(void* stream, glib.string_.String str)
Reads an entire line from a file into a buffer.
- reorderItems
pango.item.Item[] reorderItems(pango.item.Item[] items)
Reorder items from logical order to visual order.
- shape
void shape(string text, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, pango.glyph_string.GlyphString glyphs)
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
- shapeFull
void shapeFull(string itemText, string paragraphText, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, pango.glyph_string.GlyphString glyphs)
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
- shapeItem
void shapeItem(pango.item.Item item, string paragraphText, pango.types.LogAttr logAttrs, pango.glyph_string.GlyphString glyphs, pango.types.ShapeFlags flags)
Convert the characters in item into glyphs.
- shapeWithFlags
void shapeWithFlags(string itemText, string paragraphText, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, pango.glyph_string.GlyphString glyphs, pango.types.ShapeFlags flags)
Convert the characters in text into glyphs.
- splitFileList
string[] splitFileList(string str)
Splits a G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR-separated list of files, stripping
white space and substituting ~/ with $HOME/.
- tailorBreak
void tailorBreak(string text, pango.analysis.Analysis analysis, int offset, pango.types.LogAttr[] attrs)
Apply language-specific tailoring to the breaks in attrs.
- trimString
string trimString(string str)
Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
- unicharDirection
pango.types.Direction unicharDirection(dchar ch)
Determines the inherent direction of a character.
- unitsFromDouble
int unitsFromDouble(double d)
Converts a floating-point number to Pango units.
- unitsToDouble
double unitsToDouble(int i)
Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point.
- versionCheck
string versionCheck(int requiredMajor, int requiredMinor, int requiredMicro)
Checks that the Pango library in use is compatible with the
given version.
- versionString
string versionString()
Returns the version of Pango available at run-time.
- version_
int version_()
Returns the encoded version of Pango available at run-time.