- deserializeProperty
bool function(JsonSerializable* serializable, const(char)* propertyName, GValue* value, GParamSpec* pspec, JsonNode* propertyNode) deserializeProperty;
- findProperty
GParamSpec* function(JsonSerializable* serializable, const(char)* name) findProperty;
- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- getProperty
void function(JsonSerializable* serializable, GParamSpec* pspec, GValue* value) getProperty;
- listProperties
GParamSpec** function(JsonSerializable* serializable, uint* nPspecs) listProperties;
- serializeProperty
JsonNode* function(JsonSerializable* serializable, const(char)* propertyName, const(GValue)* value, GParamSpec* pspec) serializeProperty;
- setProperty
void function(JsonSerializable* serializable, GParamSpec* pspec, const(GValue)* value) setProperty;
Interface that allows serializing and deserializing object instances with properties storing complex data types.
The func@Json.gobject_from_data and func@Json.gobject_to_data functions will check if the passed object type implements this interface, so it can also be used to override the default property serialization sequence.