- AatLayoutFeatureSelector
alias AatLayoutFeatureSelector = hb_aat_layout_feature_selector_t
- AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo
alias AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo = hb_aat_layout_feature_selector_info_t
- AatLayoutFeatureType
alias AatLayoutFeatureType = hb_aat_layout_feature_type_t
- Bool
alias Bool = hb_bool_t
- BufferClusterLevel
alias BufferClusterLevel = hb_buffer_cluster_level_t
- BufferContentType
alias BufferContentType = hb_buffer_content_type_t
- BufferDiffFlags
alias BufferDiffFlags = hb_buffer_diff_flags_t
- BufferFlags
alias BufferFlags = hb_buffer_flags_t
- BufferMessageFunc
alias BufferMessageFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.buffer.Buffer buffer, harfbuzz.font.Font font, string message)
A callback method for #hb_buffer_t. The method gets called with the
#hb_buffer_t it was set on, the #hb_font_t the buffer is shaped with and a
message describing what step of the shaping process will be performed.
Returning false from this method will skip this shaping step and move to
the next one.
- BufferSerializeFlags
alias BufferSerializeFlags = hb_buffer_serialize_flags_t
- BufferSerializeFormat
alias BufferSerializeFormat = hb_buffer_serialize_format_t
- Codepoint
alias Codepoint = hb_codepoint_t
- Color
alias Color = hb_color_t
- ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc
alias ColorLineGetColorStopsFunc = uint delegate(harfbuzz.color_line.ColorLine colorLine, void* colorLineData, uint start, ref harfbuzz.color_stop.ColorStop[] colorStops)
A virtual method for the #hb_color_line_t to fetch color stops.
- ColorLineGetExtendFunc
alias ColorLineGetExtendFunc = harfbuzz.types.PaintExtend delegate(harfbuzz.color_line.ColorLine colorLine, void* colorLineData)
A virtual method for the hb_color_line_t to fetches the extend mode.
- DestroyFunc
alias DestroyFunc = void delegate()
A virtual method for destroy user-data callbacks.
- Direction
alias Direction = hb_direction_t
- DrawClosePathFunc
alias DrawClosePathFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs dfuncs, void* drawData, harfbuzz.draw_state.DrawState st)
A virtual method for the #hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "close-path" draw
- DrawCubicToFunc
alias DrawCubicToFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs dfuncs, void* drawData, harfbuzz.draw_state.DrawState st, float control1X, float control1Y, float control2X, float control2Y, float toX, float toY)
A virtual method for the #hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "cubic-to" draw
- DrawLineToFunc
alias DrawLineToFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs dfuncs, void* drawData, harfbuzz.draw_state.DrawState st, float toX, float toY)
A virtual method for the #hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "line-to" draw
- DrawMoveToFunc
alias DrawMoveToFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs dfuncs, void* drawData, harfbuzz.draw_state.DrawState st, float toX, float toY)
A virtual method for the #hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "move-to" draw
- DrawQuadraticToFunc
alias DrawQuadraticToFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs dfuncs, void* drawData, harfbuzz.draw_state.DrawState st, float controlX, float controlY, float toX, float toY)
A virtual method for the #hb_draw_funcs_t to perform a "quadratic-to" draw
- FontDrawGlyphFunc
alias FontDrawGlyphFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs drawFuncs, void* drawData)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontExtents
alias FontExtents = hb_font_extents_t
- FontGetFontExtentsFunc
alias FontGetFontExtentsFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, out harfbuzz.types.FontExtents extents)
This method should retrieve the extents for a font.
- FontGetFontHExtentsFunc
alias FontGetFontHExtentsFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetFontExtentsFunc
- FontGetFontVExtentsFunc
alias FontGetFontVExtentsFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetFontExtentsFunc
- FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
alias FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc = harfbuzz.types.Position delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc
alias FontGetGlyphContourPointFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, uint pointIndex, out harfbuzz.types.Position x, out harfbuzz.types.Position y)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc
alias FontGetGlyphExtentsFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, out harfbuzz.types.GlyphExtents extents)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc
alias FontGetGlyphFromNameFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, char[] name, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphFunc
alias FontGetGlyphFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint variationSelector, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphHAdvanceFunc
alias FontGetGlyphHAdvanceFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
- FontGetGlyphHKerningFunc
alias FontGetGlyphHKerningFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
- FontGetGlyphHOriginFunc
alias FontGetGlyphHOriginFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
- FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
alias FontGetGlyphKerningFunc = harfbuzz.types.Position delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint firstGlyph, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint secondGlyph)
This method should retrieve the kerning-adjustment value for a glyph-pair in
the specified font, for horizontal text segments.
- FontGetGlyphNameFunc
alias FontGetGlyphNameFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, ref char[] name)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
alias FontGetGlyphOriginFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, out harfbuzz.types.Position x, out harfbuzz.types.Position y)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphShapeFunc
alias FontGetGlyphShapeFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, harfbuzz.draw_funcs.DrawFuncs drawFuncs, void* drawData)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetGlyphVAdvanceFunc
alias FontGetGlyphVAdvanceFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphAdvanceFunc
- FontGetGlyphVKerningFunc
alias FontGetGlyphVKerningFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphKerningFunc
- FontGetGlyphVOriginFunc
alias FontGetGlyphVOriginFunc = harfbuzz.types.FontGetGlyphOriginFunc
- FontGetNominalGlyphFunc
alias FontGetNominalGlyphFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontGetVariationGlyphFunc
alias FontGetVariationGlyphFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint variationSelector, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- FontPaintGlyphFunc
alias FontPaintGlyphFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.font.Font font, void* fontData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs paintFuncs, void* paintData, uint paletteIndex, harfbuzz.types.Color foreground)
A virtual method for the #hb_font_funcs_t of an #hb_font_t object.
- GlyphExtents
alias GlyphExtents = hb_glyph_extents_t
- GlyphFlags
alias GlyphFlags = hb_glyph_flags_t
- Language
alias Language = hb_language_t
- Mask
alias Mask = hb_mask_t
- MemoryMode
alias MemoryMode = hb_memory_mode_t
- OtColorLayer
alias OtColorLayer = hb_ot_color_layer_t
- OtColorPaletteFlags
alias OtColorPaletteFlags = hb_ot_color_palette_flags_t
- OtLayoutBaselineTag
alias OtLayoutBaselineTag = hb_ot_layout_baseline_tag_t
- OtLayoutGlyphClass
alias OtLayoutGlyphClass = hb_ot_layout_glyph_class_t
- OtMathConstant
alias OtMathConstant = hb_ot_math_constant_t
- OtMathGlyphPartFlags
alias OtMathGlyphPartFlags = hb_ot_math_glyph_part_flags_t
- OtMathKern
alias OtMathKern = hb_ot_math_kern_t
- OtMathKernEntry
alias OtMathKernEntry = hb_ot_math_kern_entry_t
- OtMetaTag
alias OtMetaTag = hb_ot_meta_tag_t
- OtMetricsTag
alias OtMetricsTag = hb_ot_metrics_tag_t
- OtNameId
alias OtNameId = hb_ot_name_id_t
- OtNameIdPredefined
alias OtNameIdPredefined = hb_ot_name_id_predefined_t
- OtVarAxis
alias OtVarAxis = hb_ot_var_axis_t
- OtVarAxisFlags
alias OtVarAxisFlags = hb_ot_var_axis_flags_t
- PaintColorFunc
alias PaintColorFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.types.Bool isForeground, harfbuzz.types.Color color)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a
color everywhere within the current clip.
- PaintColorGlyphFunc
alias PaintColorGlyphFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, harfbuzz.font.Font font)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to render a color glyph by glyph index.
- PaintCompositeMode
alias PaintCompositeMode = hb_paint_composite_mode_t
- PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc
alias PaintCustomPaletteColorFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, uint colorIndex, out harfbuzz.types.Color color)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to fetch a color from the custom
color palette.
- PaintExtend
alias PaintExtend = hb_paint_extend_t
- PaintImageFunc
alias PaintImageFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.blob.Blob image, uint width, uint height, harfbuzz.types.Tag format, float slant, harfbuzz.types.GlyphExtents extents)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a glyph image.
- PaintLinearGradientFunc
alias PaintLinearGradientFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.color_line.ColorLine colorLine, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a linear
gradient everywhere within the current clip.
- PaintPopClipFunc
alias PaintPopClipFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo
the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_glyph_func_t
or #hb_paint_funcs_push_clip_rectangle_func_t vfuncs.
- PaintPopGroupFunc
alias PaintPopGroupFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.types.PaintCompositeMode mode)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo
the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_group_func_t
- PaintPopTransformFunc
alias PaintPopTransformFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to undo
the effect of a prior call to the #hb_paint_funcs_push_transform_func_t
- PaintPushClipGlyphFunc
alias PaintPushClipGlyphFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint glyph, harfbuzz.font.Font font)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to clip
subsequent paint calls to the outline of a glyph.
- PaintPushClipRectangleFunc
alias PaintPushClipRectangleFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to clip
subsequent paint calls to a rectangle.
- PaintPushGroupFunc
alias PaintPushGroupFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to use
an intermediate surface for subsequent paint calls.
- PaintPushTransformFunc
alias PaintPushTransformFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, float xx, float yx, float xy, float yy, float dx, float dy)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to apply
a transform to subsequent paint calls.
- PaintRadialGradientFunc
alias PaintRadialGradientFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.color_line.ColorLine colorLine, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a radial
gradient everywhere within the current clip.
- PaintSweepGradientFunc
alias PaintSweepGradientFunc = void delegate(harfbuzz.paint_funcs.PaintFuncs funcs, void* paintData, harfbuzz.color_line.ColorLine colorLine, float x0, float y0, float startAngle, float endAngle)
A virtual method for the #hb_paint_funcs_t to paint a sweep
gradient everywhere within the current clip.
- Position
alias Position = hb_position_t
- ReferenceTableFunc
alias ReferenceTableFunc = harfbuzz.blob.Blob delegate(harfbuzz.face.Face face, harfbuzz.types.Tag tag)
- Script
alias Script = hb_script_t
- StyleTag
alias StyleTag = hb_style_tag_t
- Tag
alias Tag = hb_tag_t
- UnicodeCombiningClass
alias UnicodeCombiningClass = hb_unicode_combining_class_t
- UnicodeCombiningClassFunc
alias UnicodeCombiningClassFunc = harfbuzz.types.UnicodeCombiningClass delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeComposeFunc
alias UnicodeComposeFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint a, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint b, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint ab)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeDecomposeFunc
alias UnicodeDecomposeFunc = harfbuzz.types.Bool delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint ab, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint a, out harfbuzz.types.Codepoint b)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc
alias UnicodeEastasianWidthFunc = uint delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeGeneralCategory
alias UnicodeGeneralCategory = hb_unicode_general_category_t
- UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc
alias UnicodeGeneralCategoryFunc = harfbuzz.types.UnicodeGeneralCategory delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeMirroringFunc
alias UnicodeMirroringFunc = harfbuzz.types.Codepoint delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- UnicodeScriptFunc
alias UnicodeScriptFunc = harfbuzz.types.Script delegate(harfbuzz.unicode_funcs.UnicodeFuncs ufuncs, harfbuzz.types.Codepoint unicode)
A virtual method for the #hb_unicode_funcs_t structure.
- VarInt
alias VarInt = hb_var_int_t
- VarNum
alias VarNum = hb_var_num_t