Fetches the MathGlyphConstruction for the specified font, glyph index, and
direction. The corresponding list of size variants is returned as a list of
#hb_ot_math_glyph_variant_t structs.
<note>The direction parameter is only used to select between horizontal
or vertical directions for the construction. Even though all #hb_direction_t
values are accepted, only the result of #HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL is
Fetches the MathGlyphConstruction for the specified font, glyph index, and direction. The corresponding list of size variants is returned as a list of #hb_ot_math_glyph_variant_t structs.
<note>The direction parameter is only used to select between horizontal or vertical directions for the construction. Even though all #hb_direction_t values are accepted, only the result of #HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL is considered.</note>