
Fetches a list of the selectors available for the specified feature in the given face.

If upon return, default_index is set to #HB_AAT_LAYOUT_NO_SELECTOR_INDEX, then the feature type is non-exclusive. Otherwise, default_index is the index of the selector that is selected by default.


face harfbuzz.face.Face

#hb_face_t to work upon

featureType harfbuzz.types.AatLayoutFeatureType

The #hb_aat_layout_feature_type_t of the requested feature type

startOffset uint

offset of the first feature type to retrieve

selectors harfbuzz.types.AatLayoutFeatureSelectorInfo[]

A buffer pointer. The selectors available for the feature type queries.

defaultIndex uint

The index of the feature's default selector, if any

Return Value

Type: uint

Number of all available feature selectors