Fetches a top-accent-attachment value (if one exists) for the specified
glyph index.
For any glyph that does not have a top-accent-attachment value - that is,
a glyph not covered by the MathTopAccentAttachment table (or, when
font has no MathTopAccentAttachment table or no MATH table, any
glyph) - the function synthesizes a value, returning the position at
one-half the glyph's advance width.
Fetches a top-accent-attachment value (if one exists) for the specified glyph index.
For any glyph that does not have a top-accent-attachment value - that is, a glyph not covered by the MathTopAccentAttachment table (or, when font has no MathTopAccentAttachment table or no MATH table, any glyph) - the function synthesizes a value, returning the position at one-half the glyph's advance width.