
Fetches the raw MathKern (cut-in) data for the specified font, glyph index, and kern. The corresponding list of kern values and correction heights is returned as a list of #hb_ot_math_kern_entry_t structs.

See also #hb_ot_math_get_glyph_kerning, which handles selecting the appropriate kern value for a given correction height.

<note>For a glyph with n defined kern values (where n > 0), there are only n−1 defined correction heights, as each correction height defines a boundary past which the next kern value should be selected. Therefore, only the #hb_ot_math_kern_entry_t.kern_value of the uppermost #hb_ot_math_kern_entry_t actually comes from the font; its corresponding #hb_ot_math_kern_entry_t.max_correction_height is always set to <code>INT32_MAX</code>.</note>


font harfbuzz.font.Font

#hb_font_t to work upon

glyph harfbuzz.types.Codepoint

The glyph index from which to retrieve the kernings

kern harfbuzz.types.OtMathKern

The #hb_ot_math_kern_t from which to retrieve the kernings

startOffset uint

offset of the first kern entry to retrieve

kernEntries harfbuzz.types.OtMathKernEntry[]

array of kern entries returned

Return Value

Type: uint

the total number of kern values available or zero