
Fetches the math kerning (cut-ins) value for the specified font, glyph index, and kern.

If the MathKern table is found, the function examines it to find a height value that is greater or equal to correction_height. If such a height value is found, corresponding kerning value from the table is returned. If no such height value is found, the last kerning value is returned.


font harfbuzz.font.Font

#hb_font_t to work upon

glyph harfbuzz.types.Codepoint

The glyph index from which to retrieve the value

kern harfbuzz.types.OtMathKern

The #hb_ot_math_kern_t from which to retrieve the value

correctionHeight harfbuzz.types.Position

the correction height to use to determine the kerning.

Return Value

Type: harfbuzz.types.Position

requested kerning value or zero