
Fetches the specified math constant. For most constants, the value returned is an #hb_position_t.

However, if the requested constant is #HB_OT_MATH_CONSTANT_SCRIPT_PERCENT_SCALE_DOWN, #HB_OT_MATH_CONSTANT_SCRIPT_SCRIPT_PERCENT_SCALE_DOWN or #HB_OT_MATH_CONSTANT_RADICAL_DEGREE_BOTTOM_RAISE_PERCENT, then the return value is an integer between 0 and 100 representing that percentage.


font harfbuzz.font.Font

#hb_font_t to work upon

constant harfbuzz.types.OtMathConstant

#hb_ot_math_constant_t the constant to retrieve

Return Value

Type: harfbuzz.types.Position

the requested constant or zero