
Fetches name indices from feature parameters for "Stylistic Set" ('ssXX') or "Character Variant" ('cvXX') features.


face harfbuzz.face.Face

#hb_face_t to work upon

tableTag harfbuzz.types.Tag

table tag to query, "GSUB" or "GPOS".

featureIndex uint

index of feature to query.

labelId harfbuzz.types.OtNameId

The ‘name’ table name ID that specifies a string for a user-interface label for this feature. (May be NULL.)

tooltipId harfbuzz.types.OtNameId

The ‘name’ table name ID that specifies a string that an application can use for tooltip text for this feature. (May be NULL.)

sampleId harfbuzz.types.OtNameId

The ‘name’ table name ID that specifies sample text that illustrates the effect of this feature. (May be NULL.)

numNamedParameters uint

Number of named parameters. (May be zero.)

firstParamId harfbuzz.types.OtNameId

The first ‘name’ table name ID used to specify strings for user-interface labels for the feature parameters. (Must be zero if numParameters is zero.)

Return Value

Type: harfbuzz.types.Bool

true if data found, false otherwise