Creates a new #GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton.
Gets the currently-selected scheme.
Sets the scheme.
Creates a new button containing an icon from the current icon theme.
Creates a gtk.button.Button widget with a gtk.label.Label child.
Creates a new gtk.button.Button containing a label.
Retrieves whether the button can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
Gets the child widget of button.
Returns whether the button has a frame.
Returns the icon name of the button.
Fetches the text from the label of the button.
gets whether underlines are interpreted as mnemonics.
Sets whether the button size can be smaller than the natural size of its contents.
Sets the child widget of button.
Sets the style of the button.
Adds a gtk.image.Image with the given icon name as a child.
Sets the text of the label of the button to label.
Sets whether to use underlines as mnemonics.
Connect to Activate signal.
Connect to Clicked signal.
Gets the currently-selected scheme.
Sets the scheme.
A button to launch a style scheme selection dialog.
The gtksource.style_scheme_chooser_button.StyleSchemeChooserButton is a button which displays the currently selected style scheme and allows to open a style scheme selection dialog to change the style scheme. It is suitable widget for selecting a style scheme in a preference dialog.
In gtksource.style_scheme_chooser_button.StyleSchemeChooserButton, a class@StyleSchemeChooserWidget is used to provide a dialog for selecting style schemes.