Queries the known snippets for those matching group, language_id, and/or trigger_prefix.
If any of these are null, they will be ignored when filtering the available snippets.
The gio.list_model.ListModel only contains information about the available snippets until gio.list_model.ListModel.getItem is called for a specific snippet. This helps reduce the number of gobject.object.ObjectG's that are created at runtime to those needed by the calling application.
a group name or null
a #GtkSourceLanguage:id or null
a prefix for a trigger to activate
a #GListModel of #GtkSourceSnippet.
Queries the known snippets for those matching group, language_id, and/or trigger_prefix.
If any of these are null, they will be ignored when filtering the available snippets.
The gio.list_model.ListModel only contains information about the available snippets until gio.list_model.ListModel.getItem is called for a specific snippet. This helps reduce the number of gobject.object.ObjectG's that are created at runtime to those needed by the calling application.