
Synchronous forward search.

It is recommended to use the asynchronous functions instead, to not block the user interface. However, if you are sure that the buffer is small, this function is more convenient to use.

If the propertySearchSettings:wrap-around property is false, this function doesn't try to wrap around.

The has_wrapped_around out parameter is set independently of whether a match is found. So if this function returns false, has_wrapped_around will have the same value as the propertySearchSettings:wrap-around property.


iter gtk.text_iter.TextIter

start of search.

matchStart gtk.text_iter.TextIter

return location for start of match, or null.

matchEnd gtk.text_iter.TextIter

return location for end of match, or null.

hasWrappedAround bool

return location to know whether the search has wrapped around, or null.

Return Value

Type: bool

whether a match was found.