
This function is used to determine if a key pressed should cause the indenter to automatically indent.

The default implementation of this virtual method will check to see if keyval is gdk.types.KEY_Return or gdk.types.KEY_KP_Enter and state does not have gdk.types.ModifierType.ShiftMask set. This is to allow the user to avoid indentation when Shift+Return is pressed. Other indenters may want to copy this behavior to provide a consistent experience to users.


view gtksource.view.View

a #GtkSourceView

location gtk.text_iter.TextIter

the location where ch is to be inserted

state gdk.types.ModifierType

modifier state for the insertion

keyval uint

the keyval pressed such as gdk.types.KEY_Return

Return Value

Type: bool

true if indentation should be automatically triggered; otherwise false and no indentation will be performed.