Create a new #GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
Measures the text provided using the pango layout used by the #GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
Measures the pango markup provided using the pango layout used by the #GtkSourceGutterRendererText.
Emits the signalGutterRenderer::activate signal of the renderer. This is called from classGutter and should never have to be called manually.
Locates where to render content that is width x height based on the renderers alignment and padding.
Get the alignment mode.
Gets the classBuffer for which the gutter renderer is drawing.
Get the view associated to the gutter renderer
Gets the xalign property.
Gets the xpad property.
Gets the yalign property.
Gets the ypad property.
Get whether the renderer is activatable at the location provided. This is called from classGutter to determine whether a renderer is activatable using the mouse pointer.
Set the alignment mode. The alignment mode describes the manner in which the renderer is aligned (see propertyGutterRenderer:xalign and propertyGutterRenderer:yalign).
Adjusts the xalign property.
Adjusts the xpad property.
Adjusts the yalign property.
Adjusts the ypad property.
Connect to Activate signal.
Connect to QueryActivatable signal.
Connect to QueryData signal.
Renders text in the gutter.
A gtksource.gutter_renderer_text.GutterRendererText can be used to render text in a cell of class@Gutter.