Like GTK_SOURCE_CHECK_VERSION, but the check for gtk_source_check_version is at runtime instead of compile time. This is useful for compiling against older versions of GtkSourceView, but using features from newer versions.
Free the resources allocated by GtkSourceView. For example it unrefs the singleton objects.
Returns the major version number of the GtkSourceView library. (e.g. in GtkSourceView version 3.20.0 this is 3.)
Returns the micro version number of the GtkSourceView library. (e.g. in GtkSourceView version 3.20.0 this is 0.)
Returns the minor version number of the GtkSourceView library. (e.g. in GtkSourceView version 3.20.0 this is 20.)
Initializes the GtkSourceView library (e.g. for the internationalization).
Simplified version of funcscheduler_add_full.
Adds a new callback that will be executed as time permits on the main thread.
Removes a scheduler callback previously registered with funcscheduler_add or funcscheduler_add_full.
Use this function to escape the following characters: \n, \r, \t and \.
Use this function before gtksource.search_settings.SearchSettings.setSearchText, to unescape the following sequences of characters: \n, \r, \t and \\. The purpose is to easily write those characters in a search entry.