
Connect to InsertAtCursor signal.

Gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.

The ::insert-at-cursor signal is a keybinding signal.

This signal has no default bindings.

class TextView
Flag!"After" after = No.After
if (
isCallable!T &&
is(ReturnType!T == void)
Parameters!T.length < 1 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[0] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[0] == string)
Parameters!T.length < 2 ||
ParameterStorageClassTuple!T[1] == ParameterStorageClass.none &&
is(Parameters!T[1] : gtk.text_view.TextView)
Parameters!T.length < 3


callback T

signal callback delegate or function to connect

void callback(string string_, gtk.text_view.TextView textView)

string_ the string to insert (optional)

textView the instance the signal is connected to (optional)

after Flag!"After"

Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)

Return Value

Type: ulong

Signal ID