signal callback delegate or function to connect
bool callback(bool state, gtk.switch_.Switch switch_)
state the new state of the switch (optional)
switch_ the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Returns true to stop the signal emission
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to StateSet signal.
Emitted to change the underlying state.
The ::state-set signal is emitted when the user changes the switch position. The default handler keeps the state in sync with the gtk.switch_.Switch.gboolean property.
To implement delayed state change, applications can connect to this signal, initiate the change of the underlying state, and call gtk.switch_.Switch.setState when the underlying state change is complete. The signal handler should return true to prevent the default handler from running.
Visually, the underlying state is represented by the trough color of the switch, while the gtk.switch_.Switch.gboolean property is represented by the position of the switch.