Compares two given items according to the sort order implemented by the sorter.

Sorters implement a partial order:

  • It is reflexive, ie a = a
  • It is antisymmetric, ie if a < b and b < a, then a = b
  • It is transitive, ie given any 3 items with a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c

The sorter may signal it conforms to additional constraints via the return value of gtk.sorter.Sorter.getOrder.


item1 gobject.object.ObjectG

first item to compare

item2 gobject.object.ObjectG

second item to compare

Return Value

Type: gtk.types.Ordering

gtk.types.Ordering.Equal if item1 == item2, gtk.types.Ordering.Smaller if item1 < item2, gtk.types.Ordering.Larger if item1 > item2