Make the gtk.print_job.PrintJob send an existing document to the printing system.
The file can be in any format understood by the platforms printing system (typically PostScript, but on many platforms PDF may work too). See gtk.printer.Printer.acceptsPdf and gtk.printer.Printer.acceptsPs.
This is similar to gtk.print_job.PrintJob.setSourceFile, but takes expects an open file descriptor for the file, instead of a filename.
a file descriptor
false if an error occurred
Make the gtk.print_job.PrintJob send an existing document to the printing system.
The file can be in any format understood by the platforms printing system (typically PostScript, but on many platforms PDF may work too). See gtk.printer.Printer.acceptsPdf and gtk.printer.Printer.acceptsPs.
This is similar to gtk.print_job.PrintJob.setSourceFile, but takes expects an open file descriptor for the file, instead of a filename.