Creates a new gtk.overlay_layout.OverlayLayout instance.
Assigns the given width, height, and baseline to a widget, and computes the position and sizes of the children of the widget using the layout management policy of manager.
Retrieves a gtk.layout_child.LayoutChild instance for the gtk.layout_manager.LayoutManager, creating one if necessary.
Retrieves the request mode of manager.
Retrieves the gtk.widget.Widget using the given gtk.layout_manager.LayoutManager.
Queues a resize on the gtk.widget.Widget using manager, if any.
Measures the size of the widget using manager, for the given orientation and size.
gtk.overlay_layout.OverlayLayout is the layout manager used by gtk.overlay.Overlay.
It places widgets as overlays on top of the main child.
This is not a reusable layout manager, since it expects its widget to be a gtk.overlay.Overlay. It is only listed here so that its layout properties get documented.