Creates a new gtk.grid_view.GridView that uses the given factory for mapping items to widgets.
Connect to Activate signal.
Returns whether rows can be selected by dragging with the mouse.
Gets the factory that's currently used to populate list items.
Gets the maximum number of columns that the grid will use.
Gets the minimum number of columns that the grid will use.
Gets the model that's currently used to read the items displayed.
Returns whether items will be activated on single click and selected on hover.
Gets the behavior set for the <kbd>Tab</kbd> key.
Scrolls to the item at the given position and performs the actions specified in flags.
Sets whether selections can be changed by dragging with the mouse.
Sets the gtk.list_item_factory.ListItemFactory to use for populating list items.
Sets the maximum number of columns to use.
Sets the minimum number of columns to use.
Sets the model to use.
Sets whether items should be activated on single click and selected on hover.
Sets the behavior of the <kbd>Tab</kbd> and <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> keys.
gtk.grid_view.GridView presents a large dynamic grid of items.
gtk.grid_view.GridView uses its factory to generate one child widget for each visible item and shows them in a grid. The orientation of the grid view determines if the grid reflows vertically or horizontally.
gtk.grid_view.GridView allows the user to select items according to the selection characteristics of the model. For models that allow multiple selected items, it is possible to turn on _rubberband selection_, using property@Gtk.GridView:enable-rubberband.
To learn more about the list widget framework, see the overview.
CSS nodes
gtk.grid_view.GridView uses a single CSS node with name gridview. Each child uses a single CSS node with name child. If the gtk.list_item.ListItem.gboolean property is set, the corresponding row will have the .activatable style class. For rubberband selection, a subnode with name rubberband is used.
gtk.grid_view.GridView uses the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.Grid role, and the items use the gtk.types.AccessibleRole.GridCell role.