Creates a new gtk.file_filter.FileFilter with no rules added to it.
Adds a rule allowing a given mime type to filter.
Adds a rule allowing a shell style glob to a filter.
Adds a rule allowing image files in the formats supported by GdkPixbuf.
Adds a suffix match rule to a filter.
Gets the attributes that need to be filled in for the gio.file_info.FileInfo passed to this filter.
Gets the human-readable name for the filter.
Sets a human-readable name of the filter.
Serialize a file filter to an a{sv} variant.
Deserialize a file filter from a glib.variant.VariantG.
Gets the ID of the buildable object.
Notifies all users of the filter that it has changed.
Gets the known strictness of filters.
Checks if the given item is matched by the filter or not.
Connect to Changed signal.
Gets the ID of the buildable object.
gtk.file_filter.FileFilter filters files by name or mime type.
gtk.file_filter.FileFilter can be used to restrict the files being shown in a gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser. Files can be filtered based on their name (with gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addPattern or gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addSuffix) or on their mime type (with gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addMimeType).
Filtering by mime types handles aliasing and subclassing of mime types; e.g. a filter for text/plain also matches a file with mime type application/rtf, since application/rtf is a subclass of text/plain. Note that gtk.file_filter.FileFilter allows wildcards for the subtype of a mime type, so you can e.g. filter for image/\*.
Normally, file filters are used by adding them to a gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser (see gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.addFilter), but it is also possible to manually use a file filter on any gtk.filter_list_model.FilterListModel containing gio.file_info.FileInfo objects.
GtkFileFilter as GtkBuildable
The gtk.file_filter.FileFilter implementation of the gtk.buildable.Buildable interface supports adding rules using the <mime-types> and <patterns> and <suffixes> elements and listing the rules within. Specifying a <mime-type> or <pattern> or <suffix> has the same effect as as calling gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addMimeType or gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addPattern or gtk.file_filter.FileFilter.addSuffix.
An example of a UI definition fragment specifying gtk.file_filter.FileFilter rules: