Adds a 'choice' to the file chooser.
Adds filter to the list of filters that the user can select between.
Adds a folder to be displayed with the shortcut folders in a file chooser.
Gets the type of operation that the file chooser is performing.
Gets the currently selected option in the 'choice' with the given ID.
Gets whether file chooser will offer to create new folders.
Gets the current folder of chooser as gio.file.File.
Gets the current name in the file selector, as entered by the user.
Gets the gio.file.File for the currently selected file in the file selector.
Lists all the selected files and subfolders in the current folder of chooser as gio.file.File.
Gets the current filter.
Gets the current set of user-selectable filters, as a list model.
Gets whether multiple files can be selected in the file chooser.
Queries the list of shortcut folders in the file chooser.
Removes a 'choice' that has been added with gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.addChoice.
Removes filter from the list of filters that the user can select between.
Removes a folder from the shortcut folders in a file chooser.
Sets the type of operation that the chooser is performing.
Selects an option in a 'choice' that has been added with gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.addChoice.
Sets whether file chooser will offer to create new folders.
Sets the current folder for chooser from a gio.file.File.
Sets the current name in the file selector, as if entered by the user.
Sets file as the current filename for the file chooser.
Sets the current filter.
Sets whether multiple files can be selected in the file chooser.
Adds an activatable widget to the action area of a gtk.dialog.Dialog.
Adds a button with the given text.
Returns the content area of dialog.
Returns the header bar of dialog.
Gets the response id of a widget in the action area of a dialog.
Gets the widget button that uses the given response ID in the action area of a dialog.
Emits the ::response signal with the given response ID.
Sets the default widget for the dialog based on the response ID.
A convenient way to sensitize/desensitize dialog buttons.
Connect to Close signal.
Connect to Response signal.
Adds a 'choice' to the file chooser.
Adds filter to the list of filters that the user can select between.
Adds a folder to be displayed with the shortcut folders in a file chooser.
Gets the type of operation that the file chooser is performing.
Gets the currently selected option in the 'choice' with the given ID.
Gets whether file chooser will offer to create new folders.
Gets the current folder of chooser as gio.file.File.
Gets the current name in the file selector, as entered by the user.
Gets the gio.file.File for the currently selected file in the file selector.
Lists all the selected files and subfolders in the current folder of chooser as gio.file.File.
Gets the current filter.
Gets the current set of user-selectable filters, as a list model.
Gets whether multiple files can be selected in the file chooser.
Queries the list of shortcut folders in the file chooser.
Removes a 'choice' that has been added with gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.addChoice.
Removes filter from the list of filters that the user can select between.
Removes a folder from the shortcut folders in a file chooser.
Sets the type of operation that the chooser is performing.
Selects an option in a 'choice' that has been added with gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.addChoice.
Sets whether file chooser will offer to create new folders.
Sets the current folder for chooser from a gio.file.File.
Sets the current name in the file selector, as if entered by the user.
Sets file as the current filename for the file chooser.
Sets the current filter.
Sets whether multiple files can be selected in the file chooser.
Deprecated: Use gtk.file_dialog.FileDialog instead
gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog is a dialog suitable for use with “File Open” or “File Save” commands.
This widget works by putting a gtk.file_chooser_widget.FileChooserWidget inside a gtk.dialog.Dialog. It exposes the gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser interface, so you can use all of the gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser functions on the file chooser dialog as well as those for gtk.dialog.Dialog.
Note that gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog does not have any methods of its own. Instead, you should use the functions that work on a gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.
If you want to integrate well with the platform you should use the gtk.file_chooser_native.FileChooserNative API, which will use a platform-specific dialog if available and fall back to gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog otherwise.
Typical usage
In the simplest of cases, you can the following code to use gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog to select a file for opening:
To use a dialog for saving, you can use this:
Setting up a file chooser dialog
There are various cases in which you may need to use a gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog:
In general, you should only cause the file chooser to show a specific folder when it is appropriate to use gtk.file_chooser.FileChooser.setFile, i.e. when you are doing a “Save As” command and you already have a file saved somewhere.
Response Codes
gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog inherits from gtk.dialog.Dialog, so buttons that go in its action area have response codes such as gtk.types.ResponseType.Accept and gtk.types.ResponseType.Cancel. For example, you could call gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog.new_ as follows:
This will create buttons for “Cancel” and “Open” that use predefined response identifiers from gtk.types.ResponseType. For most dialog boxes you can use your own custom response codes rather than the ones in gtk.types.ResponseType, but gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog assumes that its “accept”-type action, e.g. an “Open” or “Save” button, will have one of the following response codes:
This is because gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog must intercept responses and switch to folders if appropriate, rather than letting the dialog terminate — the implementation uses these known response codes to know which responses can be blocked if appropriate.
To summarize, make sure you use a predefined response code when you use gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog to ensure proper operation.
CSS nodes
gtk.file_chooser_dialog.FileChooserDialog has a single CSS node with the name window and style class .filechooser.